8th January Christmas Court Lunch

On Wednesday 8th January, the Company met for its Christmas Court lunch at Armourers’ Hall, signalling a premature end to Dry January for a number of people. Our Guest Speaker was once again Lt Gen Sir Ralph Wooddisse, who had earlier that morning received the Honorary Freedom of the Company. Sir Ralph’s talk about the disconcerting array of security issues currently facing the UK made for fascinating if sobering listening. The Chief Commoner, Deputy Peter Dunphy, was among our distinguished guests, together with Alderman Bronek Masojada and the winner of the 2024 Poulters’ Trainee of the Year Award, Mrs Stephanie Pedrick.

Court & Livery Dinner 2024

On Tuesday 19th November, the annual Court & Livery dinner was held at Saddlers’ Hall. This horsiest of all the Livery Halls was the ideal setting for our dinner, given that the evening was an opportunity to showcase the Master’s chosen charity for his year, namely Horseheard (equine therapy for veterans struggling with PTSD and young people with learning difficulties). Excellent food and wines were followed by fascinating speeches from our principal guests, Horseheard Trustees Vicky Bennett and Ed Macfarlane. Other distinguished guests included no fewer than eight Masters / Prime Wardens together with their Consorts. Particular thanks go to our esteemed Liveryman Keith Marsh, Hall Manager at Saddlers, who ensured that the evening went seamlessly in every respect.

18th Sept Michaelmas Court Lunch

As the Livery world began its autumnal events, the Poulters’ Company held its Michaelmas Court lunch, as ever in the splendid surroundings of Armourers’ Hall. The Company had no fewer than four visiting Masters on the guest list and our guest speaker was outgoing Sheriff Bronek Masojada, who shared some of his shrieval experiences (from the sublime to the ridiculous) over the past year and received two cheques from the Master Poulter, one for the Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund and one for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. The Company was pleased to welcome two new Freemen and two new Liverymen, and also heard from the Mistress Poulter about her successful recent Consorts’ day at the stables of Horseheard (this year’s nominated Master’s Charity).

Poulters-themed City Walk, Wed 4th September

On a pleasant late summer’s evening, a dozen or so members of the Company enjoyed a guided walk of the Square Mile, taking in a number of sites with Poulters-specific connections. The guide for the evening was Mr Murray Craig, former Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court and a wealth of knowledge on City history. Afterwards, they dined at Café Rouge to restore themselves after such an unusually vigorous Livery activity. Many thanks to Assistant Benjamin Browning for organising.

26th June Midsummer Court Lunch

Just before the Livery world entered its annual summer slumber, the Poulters’ Company enjoyed its Midsummer Court lunch at the end of June. Sadly our guest speaker, Dame Fiona Woolf, current Master Wax Chandler and a former Lord Mayor, was unwell, but her very entertaining speech was delivered by the Master, who then handed over to another eminent guest, Lt Gen Sir Ralph Woodddise (currently Commander, Allied Rapid Reaction Force). Lt Gen Wooddisse supplied a fascinating precis of the primary threats faced by NATO in these uncertain times. The Company dined on whole roasted poussin, accompanied by some excellent wines, and we are as ever most grateful to The Cook & The Butler for their excellent catering.

27th March Lady Day Court Lunch

On Wednesday 27th March, the Company enjoyed its Lady Day Court lunch at Armourers’ Hall, with guests enjoying a hearty menu of grilled sea trout followed by slow-cooked leg of duck. Our Guest Speaker was Dr Doug Gurr, Director of The Natural History Museum, who gave a thought-provoking and wide-ranging talk which, among other things, reminded those attending of the fragility of our existence in the planet’s complex web of interdependence (plus the fact that birds are modern-day dinosaurs!). Among our other distinguished guests were the Master Butcher and the Master Farmer. The Company stood for a minute’s silence in memory of two recently deceased Past Masters. Three new Freemen and a new Liveryman were welcomed, as were two newly appointed Assistants to the Court of the Company.

Ash Wednesday Election Court

On Wednesday 14th February, the Ash Wednesday Election Court saw Mr Mark Goodwin, Mr Paul Kelly and Mr Terry Thurley elected as Master, Upper Warden and Renter Warden respectively. At the well-attended lunch which followed, the Company and guests dined on grass-fed lamb from the Yorkshire North Riding and enjoyed excellent speeches from the incoming Master and his guest speaker Mr Michael Oke. A heartfelt toast was offered for the outgoing Master, Mr Peter Hill, whose ill health meant that he was unable to attend. The Clerk was especially grateful to Past Master Mr Rowland Hughes for stepping in to oversee proceedings at short notice on account of a pressing engagement preventing his attendance. The table setting was enhanced by an abundance of red roses to mark St Valentine’s Day, a thoughtful touch from our new Master!

INTER-LIVERY PANCAKE RACE – Tues 13th February 2024

The 20th Inter-Livery Pancake Races were unfortunately driven indoors by rain. However, the usual fun and a fiercely competitive spirit prevailed throughout the revised event in Guildhall Crypts, which was followed by a delicious Buffet Lunch catered by The Clink Charity.

The Poulters’ Team was led by PM James Cross and Liveryman Lionel Correya once again gamely donned the chicken outfit for the Fancy Dress category. Both Sheriffs and the Chief Commoner joined us as guests. Congratulations go to the Tylers & Bricklayers for fielding the overall winner and the Plaisterers for some very innovative fancy dress.

Christmas Court lunch 2024

On Wednesday 10th January, the Company enjoyed its traditional Christmas Court lunch at Armourers’ Hall, which was full to capacity for the occasion. Our Guest Speaker was Lt Col Adrian Thompson MBE, Commanding Officer of 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment, and the Poulters’ Plate (awarded each year to a Royal Anglian soldier who has excelled in regimental life) was presented to Private Christopher Webb. The Chief Commoner, Deputy Ann Holmes, was among our distinguished guests, together with the outgoing Royal Anglian Regimental Secretary, Lt Col Robert Goodin OBE, to whom we wish a long and happy retirement.

The Lord Mayor’s Thanksgiving Turkey

On Wed 22nd November, Assistant Benjamin Browning presented the incoming Lord Mayor, American-born Professor Michael Mainelli, with a prize-winning turkey in time for his family’s Thanksgiving celebrations at Mansion House. Many thanks to Benjamin for this timely gesture, which earned the Poulters’ Company an honourable mention in the ‘Lord Mayor’s Address to the Livery’ that took place later that same day!