18th Sept Michaelmas Court Lunch

As the Livery world began its autumnal events, the Poulters’ Company held its Michaelmas Court lunch, as ever in the splendid surroundings of Armourers’ Hall. The Company had no fewer than four visiting Masters on the guest list and our guest speaker was outgoing Sheriff Bronek Masojada, who shared some of his shrieval experiences (from the sublime to the ridiculous) over the past year and received two cheques from the Master Poulter, one for the Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund and one for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. The Company was pleased to welcome two new Freemen and two new Liverymen, and also heard from the Mistress Poulter about her successful recent Consorts’ day at the stables of Horseheard (this year’s nominated Master’s Charity).