Visit to Kelly Farms – 11th October 2018

On a windy but lovely sunny day, a group of Poulters descended on Kelly Farms, Danbury, Chelmsford. For some of us harden City types this was quite an experience!

Paul Kelly and Land Rover!

Those travelling by train arrived at Chelmsford Station to be greeted by Paul Kelly and his ‘old’ Land Rover, which we piled into the back of via a mobile step, health and safety would have had a field day with it!!! On arrival at Kelly Farms, we joined the rest of the party who had arrived the night before and had been generously fed and watered by our superb hosts Paul and Derek Kelly. Following an informative presentation on the Kelly Bronze Turkeys, we had a tour of the Hatchery and then on, in convey, to see the free range turkeys, in their natural environment.

We were greeted by gobbling and squeaks and that was just Paul!  It was fascinating to see them in the field and forest roaming with nature, friendly birds, which did peck some of our party! Onto lunch, which was you guessed Turkey, cooked and carved expertly by Paul, what he doesn’t know about turkeys, isn’t worth knowing!  After a delicious buffet lunch, it was onto the Processing Plant, vast buildings, that often remain empty many months of the year, but that are a hive of activity for the Christmas Turkey production, it was easy to imagine how much work went on at that busy time.

Tour of the Hatchery

The day went far too quick and it was time to depart, I know I and my fellow Poulters, will never forget the excellent day out and the enthusiasm and hospitality of Paul, his family and staff, Kelly Bronze is a real testament to their hard work and dedication, long may they continue as one of the fore runners in the Turkey world!

Paul showing us how to carve a turkey!
Tour of the Processing Plant.
Master and Paul
Master and Turkey!

Julie Pearce, Clerk

Photographs – Reginald Beer JP, Renter Warden